Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Israel's Shedding of Blood

                                                                 Ezekiel 22:1-16 


December 13, 2023


Israel's Shedding of Blood

And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “And you, son of man, will you judge, will you judge the bloody city? Then declare to her all her abominations.  You shall say, Thus says the Lord God: A city that sheds blood in her midst, so that her time may come, and that makes idols to defile herself!  You have become guilty by the blood that you have shed, and defiled by the idols that you have made, and you have brought your days near, the appointed time of your years has come. Therefore, I have made you a reproach to the nations, and a mockery to all the countries.  Those who are near and those who are far from you will mock you; your name is defiled; you are full of tumult.

“Behold, the princes of Israel in you, every one according to his power, have been bent on shedding blood.  Father and mother are treated with contempt in you; the sojourner suffers extortion in your midst; the fatherless and the widow are wronged in you.  You have despised my holy things and profaned my Sabbaths.  There are men in you who slander to shed blood and people in you who eat on the mountains; they commit lewdness in your midst.  In you men uncover their fathers' nakedness; in you, they violate women who are unclean in their menstrual impurity.  One commits abomination with his neighbor's wife; another lewdly defiles his daughter-in-law; another in you violates his sister, his father's daughter.  In you they take bribes to shed blood; you take interest and profit and make gain of your neighbors by extortion; but me you have forgotten, declares the Lord God.

“Behold, I strike my hand at the dishonest gain that you have made, and at the blood that has been in your midst.  Can your courage endure, or can your hands be strong, in the days that I shall deal with you? I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.  I will scatter you among the nations and disperse you through the countries, and I will consume your uncleanness out of you.  And you shall be profaned by your own doing in the sight of the nations, and you shall know that I am the Lord.”


A nation that is a sleep, a sinful people who have rejected God, in their desire to live life on their terms.  I am not a Prophet, but a follower of Jesus Christ, and I believe we the Church are more like them than we understand.  Were there not Prophets like and Priest who saw and understood how Israel was becoming an abomination to God, and they kept silent?  That is what the Church has done.  Overall, we the Church have been witness to The Consequences of Roe v. Wade 63,459,781 Total abortions since 1973. (Taken from National Rights to Life).  One evil woman was used by the devil to steal, kill, and destroy the lives of over 63, million babies and as a whole we the Church were silent.  We watched our nation get invaded by people who have no regard for our law, and who lie when caught, they say as a whole, they are fleeing from persecution. We the Church have been silent and allowed our school system to fill our kids with untruths, and have told our children that God made a mistake, they should be another gender.  And we have allowed some of the evilest people to be our representatives in Washington, they do not care about this nation or its people, they are in it for themselves.  And we keep silent, payday is coming, and the house of God will be the first to be judged.  You will find that in 1 Peter 4:17, “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?


From the Back Porch,


Bob Rice

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