Saturday, September 21, 2024

In Search for Meaning and Truth



In Search for Meaning and Truth


July 4, 2023



Like the Samaria woman at the well, I came searching for anything to fix my thirst, and like her, I met Jesus, and he knew all about the things I was ashamed of.   All Jesus asked of her was a drink of water, and like so many, she did not know that He had living water, for the asking came with receiving Him.  


She like so many of us wonders how this could be true, in that he has no way to get the water out of that deep well.  But like her, we sure want to have that living water so that we do not need the well.  


And like the Samaria woman Jesus asks about our lives, the question he asks her is to go get your husband.  Her answer was I have no husband, and Jesus reminded her the man she was living with was not her husband, and that she had five husbands.  And as with her Jesus has to deal with the past before your encounter, to bring conviction that we have sinned and fall way short of God's glory.  In her case, conviction brought about repentance, 


Do you find it of interest, that Jesus did not come up with the four-step plan to fix her, that religion?


But He shares this with her and everyone; "But the hour is coming, and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.  God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”


I have often called my encounter with Jesus when I pulled off the 18-lane highway on my way to hell, and at that rest stop, I met a man who told me all about the pot-holes and detours that lead me to nowhere, and that I've long regretted.  He told me how I had tried to take His dad's place and I came away from that encounter like the Samaria woman, changed not perfect, but with a spirit that longed to know my new friend Jesus and His Father.  To search His written Word for direction, and it has not been easy, I had to unlearn much that I believed, and my patterns of getting my needs met outside of Christ.


From the Back Porch,


Bob Rice

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