Saturday, August 24, 2024

“Amazing Grace”


Have You Given Thought to the word you sing


Have you ever sung “Amazing Grace” and recalled it was I (Jesus) who took your place O’ so many years ago?  Yes, I did it for our Father, and it was He I honored, on the Cross 2000 years ago.


Have you ever heard the story of how He told me I would leave His glory even before the world was formed? Yes, before you were created the Father loved you, greater than you can know or understand.  Yes, We chose to create you, but it came at a high price for my Father, for I must leave His side, we had never been apart.  It required me to become like our creation leave where I was worshiped and become a man.  We never were apart, I talked with Him each day and He gave me His power, just as He desires to do for you this very day.  I know you can’t imagine we understood you would reject me as your messiah, and join the crowd in wanting me crucified, on that cruel cross.


Yes, you sing “Amazing Grace” but I’ve observed you forgot, it was My grace, that saved a Wretch like you on that cross. Yes, I long for you to know my power, and to live in My grace each hour.


Yes, MY bride, you sing the words of this song, “I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see” O’ listen to the words of this song, My friend, you must return to me.


Have you ever thought about the hours when I took your sins and the Father could not look on me, I was away from My Father’s love because we loved you.  I have not left you, my dear friend, come back to me and share in life through Me.


From the Back Porch,


Bob Rice



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