Saturday, June 22, 2024

What is the Price of Pride?


What is the Price of Pride?

Luke 18:9-30


Before we get into the Lesson, think about these things:

1.   What will it cost me to follow Jesus?

2.   Where do I really place my faith?

3.   Do I place faith in myself?

4.   Have I exalted myself this past week?

5.   Is God holding back the things I need? Or is God stingy in His giving to His children?


V.9 “He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt:”

·      We all have heard the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector someone shared it with the group; what happened on that day at the temple?

o   The Pharisee or (Baptist) exalted himself before the Holy God!

The Pharisees, who represented the Look at Me God group, thought his works were a ticket into God’s kingdom.

§  The Pharisee (trusted in his works) see: Romans 10:3

§  He also had self at the center of his life; look at (2 Co. 10:12

§  What does God say about such a man? Look at Rev.3:17


o   The Tax Collector humbles himself before a Holy God!

§  The Tax Collector saw his need; he saw sin in his life and he confessed, he chose humility, he chose mercy, and he repented.

§  Confession of sin (I John 1:9) also (Pr 28:13)

§  Sought after humility: Proverbs 22:4, 29:23; Isa 57:15

§  Sought after mercy: look at Ps 27:7, 51:1-13

§  He sought repentance: see Acts 3:19, 17:30

How did the Tax Collector leave the Temple?  He left justified!  What does that mean, justified?  

§  Shall we begin with a man named Abram, look at Ge. 15:6, in Acts 13:39 we see the Law could not make us in right standing with God. Now turn to Gal. 3:24 and it is by faith that put us in a right standing with God.


What role does honest repentance play in modern worship?


Would you be willing to pray with someone at the end of a service as they repent?


Is pride a factor that keeps us from repenting and participating with others publicly who repent?


What does Jesus tell us happens when we exalt ourselves?  Is this the only place Jesus talks about pride in one's life?  Look at Luke 7:36-50

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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