Monday, May 22, 2023

There is no fear of God before their eyes


Psalm 36:1-12


April 15, 2022


Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in his heart,  there is no fear of God before his eyes.  For he flatters himself in his own eyes that his iniquity cannot be found out and hated.  The words of his mouth are trouble and deceit; he has ceased to act wisely and do good.  He plots trouble while on his bed; he sets himself in a way that is not good; he does not reject evil.  Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens,  your faithfulness to the clouds.  Your righteousness is like the mountains of God your judgments are like the great deep; man, and beast you save, O Lord.  How precious is your steadfast love, O God!  The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.  They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights.  For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.  Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know you, and your righteousness to the upright of heart Let not the foot of arrogance come upon me nor the hand of the wicked drive me away.  There the evildoers lie fallen; they are thrust down, unable to rise.’


The Dictionary defines “Wicked” in this way: “evil or morally wrong: a wicked and unscrupulous politician.”  How true and it goes all the way to the big guy, I believe they have proven it to the same man who is posing as President. But it does not stop at the super-rich or the CEO who long to be super-rich, it goes to the pews on Sunday.  Your church building where the Church is to assembly is full of posers.  What is a poser: a person who acts in an affected manner in order to impress others?


Do you understand your flesh pattern, we all come with flesh that is wanting to not be subjected to the Spirit, it is important to understand your flesh, the enemy of your soul does.  My flesh likes to have you think higher of me than both God and I know to be true.  It desires to be noticed, and I often and I mean on a daily routine to help me overcome that evil flesh.


Let me be clear you better have a fear of God, for the enemy cannot make you do anything but he is a liar and a deceiver always looking for someone to destroy.  When we get full of self, we reject the quiet voice of the Spirit and believe God is happy with our sins.  He not and you need to examine yourself to see in you try to get to Jesus outside the cross, and the price paid for your sins by the blood of Jesus Christ


Many who attend church buildings and go by Christian are more into a political party than the power and grace and mercy that can be found in Christ Jesus.  They support people who have no respect or fear of God and call good evil and evil good.  If you are a poser run to Jesus and confess, that is what I did in a hotel after reading Romans 10:9-10.


From the Back Porch,


Bob Rice

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