Saturday, July 13, 2024

Culture - Truth


July 7, 2024


In the Culture, we find ourselves in we no longer use harsh words like That’s a lie, it's just called it Spin.


So let me share some Spin with you that our Culture wants us to buy into.


·     The lie that babies in the womb are just fetal tissue, nothing more.

·     The lie that boys can become girls (and vice versa), changing their identity.

·     The lie that “transgender” people should enter the opposite sex’s restroom and locker rooms.

·     The lie that the government’s vision of “science and health” is unquestionable.

·     The lie that tells parents they are not equipped to train and lead their children into adulthood.

·     The lie that a person will find happiness if he or she embraces homosexuality or gender identity that contradicts one’s biological sex.

·     The lie that we should ”follow our own heart,” not God’s truth.


The points in green were taken from the Dobson Culture Center.  I am 100% in agreement with the above points in green.  


Jan and I have been blessed to have met Dr. Dobson when he was at Focus on the Family.  We have given to support his stands on the family and know it is not done from a place of hate but from Love.  You can find each of these bullet points in the Scriptures.


Points each of us must deal with; God is LOVE.  So that means Jesus, God’s only Son, is Love, but He tells us He and the Father are One.  He also tells us He is the Truth and the only way to the Father.  The Bible is clear that God calls the lies, and the items listed above an abomination.


I’m sure that these bullet points made some of you uncomfortable.  


The next Group of questions will not get me on most pastors’ Christmas Card lists.


·     With the danger to young people, children, and young parents, why are the Pastors not addressing these?

·     If God calls something an abomination or sin, should it not be addressed by the Pastor who teaches spiritual truths?

·     Jan and I are blessed to be part of a body that Truth is taught.  

·     Many a pastor fear man, more than teaching the whole truth, that our Culture is anti-God, and that anyone that stands for Truth is not a hater.  They may be a deliverer.


This writer believes that when truth is not preached, many are taken captive by the evil one.


From the Back Porch, 


Bob Rice

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