Friday, October 24, 2014

What a Price Unbelief Charges

Isaiah 10:20-24

I’m not sure if you or I can understand what the tenth chapter is telling us in the verses above, for it has been the worst of times.  But some of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who lived in areas of the world where some evil person decided they would invade and conquer the land, have experienced their plan to kill and destroy any and all who opposed them.  In the USA we might have a time where we lose our jobs, and then we begin to lose stuff, important stuff, like cars, houses, and maybe even friends and maybe it ends up in divorce and the loss of a family member, but that’s not close to what is happening in Isaiah chapter 10.

First, this guy Isaiah is proclaiming the LORD has said, and if you’re not a fan of what God is saying through Isaiah then you may fall into the present-day cultural Christianity who have a check list of things to do to earn God’s acceptance, but it has no lifestyle implications.  They join churches, they even give some of their hard earned money to the church, they may be part of a men/ladies group, and even do outreach to help those in need.  But they look, and smell like the world, and they do what the world does, and they do not care for a preacher or teacher telling them thus says the LORD.   If you identify with the above, you would not have liked Isaiah, for what he was proclaiming was going to happen, because he was God’s mouthpiece.

As we look at verses 20-24, you and I may need to do some self-examination, where or what am I trusting in?  For the people of Judea it was foreign powers not God, but those who are called the remnant have seen the light and they will turn their trust to the Lord.  If you are a cultural Christian, your trust will be in self, in possessions, in status, and maybe in the might of the military, but not in God.  Do you remember God promised to Abraham and his descendants would be as numerous as the sand of the sea, but now sin and rebellion has taken its toll and only a remnant will return, and that is an act of grace?  Isaiah is reminding the people of God the destruction they will see was decreed by the Lord God of Hosts.  And in verse 24, we come to understand the people will compare the Assyrian attack to the bondage in Egypt, and the remembrance of God’s deliverance.

What a price unbelief charges, it cost the lives of many, the loss of homes, land, possessions, and it brings about bondage.  And is this not happening in your city, in your nation, and in your church, and the root cause is unbelief?  We have bought into the wrong side of John 10:10; for when one follows Jesus the road will be narrow, it will have potholes and sharp turns, and some parts of the road will be washed out, but if you follow the counsel of Psalm 119:105 and let Jesus be the lamp to your feet and a light to your path, your going to do fine.  The cultural Christian will never allow Jesus to be their light, they have bought into Channel One the deceptive message of the one Jesus calls the thief.

From the Back Porch,
Bob Rice

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