Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The spirit of Diotrephes is still with us

3 John 9-12

“I have written something to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority.”

Growing up in what is called at this time (under-resourced) and attending small Baptist churches, often we found a Diotrephes in those churches.  Often, they were a couple that was in a social class, and it had nothing to do with “class” it had to do with money.  Also most of the men were deacons and most of them had attained the office of chairman of the deacon body.  They were the authority and the poor pastor who was called to lead the local church was wise to seek their permission on almost anything or his time was short lived at that church. 

This is what John the elder had to say about Diotrephes, he was a lover of self, and was not willing to submit to authority, in fact, John said that he is talking wicked nonsense against the apostle’s authority.  He also would not welcome the visiting brothers, and anyone who tried to do so, but Diotrephes was put out of the local church.  It must have been a small Baptist church, only kidding, but this I know a Diotrephes by any name is an enemy of God.  In 3 John 11, this is stated; “Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good.  Whoever does good is from God; whoever does evil has not seen God.”

Jan and I are blessed to be part of a kingdom minded church that happens to have Baptist in its name, but the message that comes to us from Ray Still, and each member of the staff is that we are a body of believers called to assemble for study, worship, and fellowship so that we can go out into our community and let Jesus Christ’s love be seen by our actions.  That is not the mindset of a person with the spirit of Diotrephes.  If you will stop and be still, and ask these questions: Do I enjoy finding the parking place that gets me in front of the store I’m shopping at; Do I like waiting in line any where, even at the church parking lot; do I enjoy voicing my opinion, and not taking time to make sure I’ve heard the view of the other person?  Remember it’s personal honesty you are looking for, and it is clear to me that from a youth, I’ve wanted to be first, and it requires me to agree with Jesus; “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”  (Matthew 19:30)   Do not trust your flesh, it is at war with the Spirit!  Anyone of us can move from a kingdom mindset to a Diotrephes, it will happen when you let self on the throne of your life and not Jesus Christ.

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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