Friday, April 13, 2012

My First Mentor


1 Timothy 1:1-2

We are all someone’s children in the faith, and often there were several who were used of God to introduce us to the knowledge that we were sinners and that God hates sin, but loves sinners so much that he had His Son come to earth in the likeness of man, so that sinners could see light in their darkness.  For me it was Bob Keese, Johnny Anderson, Bobby Smith, Jim Seed, and Clarence Branch.  They introduced me to the Jesus I knew all about, but did not have a personal relationship with.  Johnny was my age, he was also young in the faith, but it was Johnny who became my first mentor, it was he that I listened to and spent time learning about the character of God.

Paul’s greeting in verse two begins a very personal and strong instruction to his child in the faith, Timothy, who was a young pastor in Ephesus, and Paul wanted to guide him past some land mines.  One of those land mines was that in this new thing called the church the Jews that converted were inclined to be exclusive and separate themselves from their Gentile brothers and sisters.  So Paul’s marching orders to young Timothy was unity, that to have a healthy church, it would require braking down the walls of customs and traditions.

As I look back on my first mentor, this thought came to my mind; Johnny is still checking on me, he is still asking God the Father to extend his grace, mercy, and peace into my life.  Do you have a Paul or a Johnny as your spiritual dad?  If so you are of all people blessed, if not, find some young Timothy and pour your life into theirs, it will be your best investment.

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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