Friday, October 21, 2011

Life in a perfect Environment

Hebrews 8

Have you ever given thought to what life would be like in a perfect environment?  My mind goes to what would not be there, no disappointments, no broken promises, no storms, no sickness, and no death, just to give the short list.  When you think of a perfect world, or a perfect person, they would have these characteristics of being without error, they also would be complete and lacking nothing, and they would be excellent in every way; in skill, in talent, they would be without flaw or blemish.  It would be heavenly to live in an environment of supreme peace; where Covenants are never broken, in fact, they are eternal.

Chapter eight is about our high priest, Jesus Christ the perfect one, and the new covenant, because the first covenant was faulted.  Before going there, think of a covenant that God has made with all mankind and our actions have no affect on its outcome.  That would be the rainbow, where God said in Genesis 9:16, “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”  The prophet Isaiah had this to say about the first covenant, “The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant.” (Isaiah 24:5)  If that was the last word you and I would be without hope, but God in His mercy and grace, sent His only Son to establish an everlasting and an eternal covenant with mankind.

Long before Christ came to planet earth in human form, the Father announced through His prophets the coming of a new covenant.  Isaiah told us in chapter 55 verse 3, and He also declared it through Jeremiah in chapter 31, verses 31-32, “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord.”  When Jesus was having the last supper with His disciples it is recorded in Matthew 26:28, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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