Friday, October 14, 2011

Acts of Righteousness

Hebrews 5:11-14

As a younger man, I heard the following message by Peter Lord; “We do more acts of righteousness, than we think or understand.”  Peter was speaking at the Baptist church in Odem, Texas, to people of whom the majority practiced Christianity.  As he delivered the message, I was blown away with this new insight, that anytime we choose to serve others, even the smallest act, like making the bed, or washing dishes, or changing a diaper, with the right heart attitude it is an act of righteousness.  I’m not sure that is Baptist, but it sure is biblical.  When you and I entered into Christ, we entered into a body, we became a living spirit, and the apostle Peter wrote these words under the authority of the Holy Spirit: “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.” (2 Peter 1:3-4)

I wonder what happens to any group of people who are not trained, reminded, and told often that they are filled with God’s divine power in all things that pertain to living life.  What happens if they are reminded often that they are dirty rotten sinners, which is not true, at least that is not what God calls them?  I‘m not saying we do not sin, but when we do, it should bring sadness to our hearts.  I believe Peter’s message is on target, we do more acts of righteousness than we choose to sin.  But I also have experienced that many in the body of Christ do not seem to understand the intensive nature of the spiritual battle they enter.  Scripture is very clear that a Christian has a daily battle with their flesh, and with demons and rulers, against authorities, against cosmic powers over this present darkness.  So if we remain untrained, we become easy targets, accepting the message of this world system, of the flesh, and the schemes of the devil.  Yes, we believe that voice we hear, the voice that sounds just like our voice, the voice that says you are a failure, or have little or no worth, or you deserve better; it may be stuff, like a house, or job, or husband or wife.  But on the authority of God’s word, none of those messages, are from God.

Yesterday, our pastor, Ray Still said in his message that it seems as if there is an eraser that removes all that was taught in the message as we exit the building.  My friend, Carroll Ray Jr. said that we all have a preacher filter, and that filter does something like this; “that’s just preacher talk, that is what he is suppose to say.”  It is that voice that sounds just like your voice, and to the untrained, to the one who has no understanding of the attack on your soul; you become an easy target, you are taken captive.  Now the bad news is that voice never stops, and it hits me when my emotions are at a high or low, and if I am not on guard and asking for discernment, it will take me on one big flesh trip.

In these verses 11-14, Paul is warning us against apostasy, he is referring to the eraser that Pastor Ray mentioned in his sermon, or the preacher filter.  It is listening to the wrong voice, and not believing that you are filled with God’s divine power in all things that pertain to living life.  So in verse 11, Paul states that we become “dull of hearing” and just quit listening to the message or teaching, and let our minds think on what needs to be done, when we get through with this religious activity.  In verse 12, Paul states that we should be teachers, but we still need to be taught the basic principles of the oracles of God.  We are told in verses 12-13, that we need milk, and milk is being referred to as what you give a beginner in Christ, it is beginner material, not solid food.  He goes on to state that those who stay on milk are unskilled in the word of righteousness, since they are children.  And we all know that a child must be trained to put others first or they will throw a fit when they do not get their way.  Verse 14, “But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.  I believe a warning is needed; the battle never ends, not while there is breath in your body.  The devil is not in a hurry he has no problem with you studying the Bible, if he can keep you from practicing and applying it to your life. In fact, he loves self-righteous religious folks they make his job easier.  But when we apply and abide in those truths, when we look to our High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, and put no trust in self, when we learn to take all thoughts captive, when we learn to seek the Lord in prayer; a praying Christian is mighty in this world, then we become more than conquerors.  That is living in victory in all things, in good times and in calamity.  Jim Daly had this to say on prayer in his new book “Stronger” page 160, “When prayer is a regular habit we’re more likely to depend on Him for the solutions to our problems.”

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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