Monday, January 30, 2023

A man in Khaki

                                                                          A man in Khaki


April 18, 2011





You will never believe it, not in a thousand years, what happened to Jan and me?  Now, it’s important for me to share that we did not seek this person out; we had no understanding of his wealth, his status, or his ability to change our lives.  I’m sure you heard stories of how some millionaire came to a person’s door and gave them a million dollars, that’s not even close to what happened to us.  We were at Fiesta a celebration linked to a religious holiday, and thousands of people from the San Antonio area and from all over the United States and the world were enjoying the big party.  Jan and I were enjoying the food and just watching the people, especially the young family as they enjoyed the day, and that is when it happened.


We had stopped at a small café on the river and were having a cup of coffee when a gentleman came to our table and ask if he could sit down for a while.  He was wearing khaki, both his shirt, and his pants, and his hair was out of place, he was a large man but not fat, and his face had deep lines as if he had seen some hard times.  When we looked up to see who was asking this of us, both of us were taken by his eyes, it seemed as if they pierced into our souls, and his smile was very inviting.


What was obvious to both of us was that he had picked our table for some reason because all the other tables we empty around us.  My first thought was, I wonder if he is hungry, or is he going to try to sell us something?  But that was not the case; he just wanted to be with us, to ask about why we were there and if we were enjoying ourselves.  He told us that he had watched us as we talked with many of the young couples and admired the children and that it had brought joy to his heart, just seeing such actions.  He went on to share that he loved people and yet was saddened when he saw so many who seemed to have little or no hope.  We sat and talked for what seemed only a short time, but over two hours had passed, when this stranger in khaki asked if we would accept a gift from him.  We both said, as if with one voice, that his time at our table was a very special gift, and we would like to give him our cell phone numbers and address, in hopes that when he was back in town he would come to stay with us.  


The man in Khaki, with eyes that seemed to look into our souls, took our information and said he would love to be part of our lives, to share with us, and to stay in our home, and then he left.  The day was almost gone and we wanted to leave before the traffic got too bad on 281, so we also headed home.  On arriving at our driveway we saw a man in a dark suit standing on our front porch, and his car a new BMW Z4, was sitting in our driveway, I told Jan that’s not a vacuum cleaner salesman.  As we got out of our car, the man in the suit came to us and explained that he was sent by his boss to give us a message.  We asked, who is your boss and he explained that we had shared a cup of coffee with him that day, and this was the message.  I am a person of great wealth, and your invitation to stay in your home touched me greatly.   I would enjoy beyond your wildest thoughts being part of your life.  Today, I’ve sent my messenger with this offer; I will take care of all your needs from now on, my desire is to give you a quality of life that is far beyond your understanding, the only condition is you must say yes to my offer.

That’s a story that was formed in my mind this past Sunday as I listened to my pastor tell of the great love of our Heavenly Father for all of us.  Yes, it did not happen, it was just a story, but I must tell you that something very close to that did happen to Jan and me many years ago.  And like in my fictional story, we were not seeking a relationship with our heavenly Father, nor did we have much understanding of His great love for us.  He came to each of us at different times and places but the offer was the same as the fictional man in khakis, to be not part of our life, but, to come and live in us and to supply our every need.  We have not always been faithful to Him, but we are witnesses to His faithfulness in all that He has promised.


From the Back Porch,


Bob Rice

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