Monday, March 16, 2020

Not waiting for God's counsel

 Psalm 106:13-48 

The story of the people of God in the time of Moses and Caleb and how the Jewish people are still experiencing the results of their rebellion against God’s promises and commands.  As we read yesterday in verse four, the Psalmist was asking God to remember him, and verse 13 tells us; “But they soon forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel.” 

How are we any different, we referring to the Church, are we doing the same thing?  How often have you made a decision and looked back on the results and it was a major mistake because you were in a hurry?  In the financial area, both Jan and I, refuse to let the urgent make us take an action, in fact, if a salesperson tells you that you must do it today, we walk.  We now want to pray before making a significant decision, so the deal that is too good to pass up is never that good.  If you don’t get it today, is a sure sign we are leaving without the item.  In so many other areas of life, we often move too fast and have not allowed God to show us what is best.  What about you, are you seeking counsel before making a big life decision, are you asking people who you trust to pray and seek God’s counsel with you, are you letting the urgent, your want’s, overcome God’s best?

We see that they kept exchanging the glory of God for all kinds of idols, in verse 20, 28, and 34-38.  Now I know the enemy of your soul is speaking loud and clear in a voice that sounds like your voice, and he is saying once more, old Bob is talking crazy.  You do not worship objects, but that’s not correct, many of you worship people who sing, perform, or play sports.  Others worship money, what it can buy and the ability to live in a neighborhood you can’t afford, and others the title they have, or hope to get.  It may be your pastor or the church you go to, the people you know or your children, and many today put their worship in government to be their protector, lots of things to worship, but only one that can change your heart, and that is Jesus Christ.  So, remember that this kind of rebellion against the authority of God over your life will get you a lot of pain and heartache.

I believe a prayer that the Psalmist prayed was answered in 1948 and is still happening to this day, it is the prayer in verse 47, “Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your Holy name and glory in your praise.”   We who are still alive that witnessed God answering that prayer in 1948, and He is again doing it, but it was His timetable, not the Psalmist.

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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