Monday, June 12, 2017

Why pray for the impossible?

 Jeremiah 33:14-26

Why pray for the impossible, why dream about things that have no history of coming into play in your lifetime?  Let me share a personal story of my career in sales, I worked for an excellent company, and always wished I could travel internationally and work with our Subsidiary, but that was only a crazy dream, never would I have prayed asking the LORD to open that door.  You must understand only our market managers and a few very talented lab people travel internationally and so why give time to a salesman’s foolish dream?  We often forget a Father’s love, an all-knowing Father, who has a better plan for our life than we could ever dream. 

I was asked to join a group led by a young man who was an out of the box kind of guy, with the attitude that the old way of doing things may not be the best.   We called that kind of person a visionary, and they are often not welcome to a great old corporation that has a record of success.  But Kim was able to sell his vision of a sales force that went wherever it made business sense.  And I got to be a minuscule part of a team that changed the way one division of 3M looked at the world of sales.

 I gave that example of my weak faith to magnify what was happening in Jeremiah’s time and also in each generation since.  When Jeremiah told them the days are coming when God will fulfill the promise he made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah, and all they could see was the impossibility of that taking place.  And the generations since also refuse to believe in a God who has always kept all His promises.  But it is a done deal, no it has not taken place, it's​ what we call future, and it is as sure to happen as the return of our LORD.  In Psalm 110:4, we not only see Jesus fulfilling that promise of Kingship but also a priest in the order of Melchizedek. 

God uses the covenant with day and night to make clear that it is as unbreakable as the one He established with King David.  “Even after the nation of Israel ceases to exist the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are guaranteed by God and are as sure as His covenant with the day and the night.  Count on the natural orders collapsing and going out of existence before God’s promises to David, Levi, and the nations evaporate.”  (Taken from footnotes on page1293 HCSB)

 From the Back Porch,
 Bob Rice

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