Thursday, May 26, 2016

If Possible live Peaceably with all

Romans 12:18-21

“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

As I reflect on this Scripture it is not my finest thoughts, I dropped the ball so often, and I did not go out of my way to not live peaceably with all, in fact I like being thought of in a nice way, but often the goal got in the way of the relationship.  I was one driven person to obtain the project, get a new product out of the lab, to overcome the lack of desire in those I worked with who seemed to be obstacles in the way of achieving the prize, the sale, the order, the project.

Now this confession is going to get very personal; I was part of a team of four, three salespersons and a great boss, one who saw my many weaknesses, but only put time into my strengths.  One day after many good things had happened with our group of growing a new business, a market that we had not had in the past, upper management gave us a new boss, one who at one time I had enjoyed working with in my role as a Key Account person, helping him with one of our biggest utilities.  While in that role, he often invited me to his home and I knew the wife and kids and I worked hard to make him income from new sales.

Now he was to be my new boss, and I was not all that excited about that for he was known for being a political person who said and did what upper management wanted to hear, even if it was not in the best interest of our sales force.  Our first meeting was just he and I and it went like this; “Rice I do not like you, and if I could I would fire you today, but I can’t and you are very valuable to the team so I’m stuck with you.”  Now let me be clear I was not thinking about being peaceable, I was shocked, and I thanked him for his honesty and ask if that was all he wanted to say and I left his office.  Now as I reflect back I had never been shy about sharing what I thought about management who were better at talking than at doing the job they were assigned, so because he fit that mold, I earned his disfavor.

I worked under this man a long time and it was never good, but his dislike for me as a person often clouded his judgment, and one day he made a mistake so big even upper management would have had to take action if I called in H.R.  My boss first got me demoted to a role I had done many years before, my pay was the same, but the role had changed.  The goal was to push me out in hopes I would quit, but I didn’t and it caused this action; he sent out an email to the sales force asking when I was going to quit, I was on the copy list.  That is a big no, no!

How I could do to him what he had wanted to do to me, and so I copied that email and wrote the President over H.R., laying out all that had happened since he became my boss along with my performance reviews.  It was at this point I recalled the Scripture “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”  As I reflected on that verse, it was very clear I was never to send that letter, I was to sit and watch, and wait. 

After 40 years I left 3M and the Lord began to require me to pray for that man, and the more I prayed the more I cared for him and his family, I have regrets that I dropped the ball during that time in my career.

From the Back Porch,
Bob Rice

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