Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mentor & Teacher

Philippians 1:9-11

As a teacher and mentor for some thirty years of both boys and girls, and young couples, my memories often go to a face or name, and wonder, did my life count, did my teaching or mentoring have a positive effect on them?  Did I impart truth?  I’m wondering if these thoughts come because my job is not complete, do I still have the opportunity to make a difference in their hearts and mind? 

With age comes many challenges, and one that stands alone is that age has not removed me from the war, John 10:10 is very clear on the terms of engagement.   The enemy of our soul comes to kill, steal and destroy, and the “Truth” that Jesus Christ comes to give us life, not heaven later, but abundant life in the middle of the war. 

Dear Jesus, much of those thirty years of teaching, I dropped the ball; I did not understand that the enemy has no authority over us in Christ, unless we give it to him.  We who are in Christ were bought out of sin by Your blood, yes, the enemy is real, and his plan is totally opposite to your promise of living life on planet earth in the fullness of grace, while the war with the rulers of spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places is raging.

Jesus, thank you for letting this warrior understand that my place has not been taken, my job is not over, in fact, I can be put at the top of the enemies most feared list, by putting on the spiritual armor, that is seen by these unseen forces of evil in heavenly places.  And after getting dressed for battle, teach me to stand in Your authority, and engage the enemy by praying always in the Spirit, with prayers and supplication.  Dear Lord engage my mind and heart to the need for being alert.  Alert to the faces and names that You bring into my mind to pray for, in the same way as Paul did for the church at Philippi.  “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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