Monday, November 22, 2010

It is the wellspring of Life

Ephesians 4:18-24

Yesterday I picked up a new book “The Fine art of Communication” by Dave T. Gentry, Ph.D.  I’m not that far into the book, but I think he might have some advice for the apostle Paul on communication.  What if your Mother, Dad, or best friend, had this conversation with you; you are darkened in your understanding, alienated from the life of God because of ignorance that is in you, due to your hardness of heart.  That is what the apostle Paul is telling the churches of Ephesus, and that is just the introduction to the root cause of not loving what God loves.

Paul continues, “They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greed to practice every kind of impurity.” (Ephesians 4:19)  If we go back to verse 18, we find at the core, a heart problem, and it comes from not understanding the heart of God, Paul tells them they are ignorant and it is due to the hardness of their hearts.  In the last few weeks, I’ve revisited a book by John Eldredge, entitled “Waking the Dead” and it is about our heart.  Not the organ that pumps blood, but the connecting point between you and others – between you and God.  It is also the creative powerhouse within you.  Paul is saying you are not being guided by the Spirit, in fact, he is stating you are darkened in your understanding, and that is alienating you from the life of God, and it has hardened your hearts to God.

I’ve learned this from my reading “Waking the Dead,” that “The mind receives and processes information and the heart knows and wrestles with realities.  John states; “A person who lives from their mind is detached from life.  Things don’t seem to touch them very much; they are puzzled at the way others are so affected by life.  Often they think the person who lives by their heart is emotional and unstable.”  John goes on to ask the question, “Would Christ have gone to the cross if He had only followed His emotions? See Mark 14:32-35 and you will agree with John, “In the hours of Jesus’ greatest trial, His love overcame his fear of what loving you would cost Him.”

In my daily walk with the Lord, it has become apparent that my heart is under attack, it is easily polluted by the world system and my desires, my greed and sensuality, Proverbs 4:23 gives this council. “Above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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