Monday, March 3, 2025

Society will always have this kind of People


Job 30


April 5, 2020



As I began to read the words of Job in Chapter 30, these thoughts came into my mind, I know people like this, but many are not worthless, nor are their parents, they have bought into a lie.  Before going there, allow Job to share his story.  It is good to recall that it was not all that long ago that the nobles, the old and young, and the officials came to Job for counsel.  Now that he has lost his place at the city gates, his children, his wealth, out come the riffraff of society to take advantage of Job.


“But now they laugh at me, men who are younger than I, whose fathers I would have disdained to set with the dogs of my flock.  What could I gain from the strength of their hands, men whose vigor is gone?  Through want and hard hunger, they gnaw the dry ground by night in waste and desolation; they pick saltwort and the leaves of bushes, and the roots of the broom tree for their food.  They are driven out from human company; they shout after them as after a thief.”


Society will always have this kind of people, but they are not the ones that can change lives.  Do you recall the '60s, no one thought those dope-smoking hippies would someday be in charge of our Government, but out of that came Bill Clinton, I’m not sure Job would allow him around his dogs.  I sure would not have allowed him in my home, I had a daughter and wife to protect.  Yes, we as a people should be very concerned about the young people who desire us who work to give them free school, free health benefits, and even allow them to sit at home and do nothing while someone else pays for it.  Most of them are getting degrees that are of no worth to them or anyone, and yes, someday they will be running the show.  I will be gone by then, but we are witnesses to what happens when a barmaid becomes a Congresswoman, what a disgrace!


My dad loved history, and he often said the reason we repeat history is we never learn from it.  What can we learn from Job 30?  For one thing, learn to pray, and seek the face of God, seek His will and not yours.  Also, remember Job was so low in pain and sorrow he could not believe that God would renew his strength and vitality, and the pain of his friends accusing him of being wicked.  Job may be as many who are losing everything such as Job, and freedom to work at this time in our history of this virus pandemic.  He believed God was the one doing this to him, and he had no peace in the day or at night.  He was wrong and so are you, for God is still writing your story, so remember to give thanks, my life changed coming back home in 1970 to where our house had been, and it was all over our five acres.  As I sat in the car at our mailbox that was still standing and looked down that long driveway, the Lord spoke in a voice I could hear, and He said now give me thanks, and I did.  It is a great story of what God did for Jan, Natalie, and me after that, maybe someday I’ll share with you about a big God, who loves you in ways you cannot understand.


From the Back Porch,


Bob Rice

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