Friday, January 31, 2025

Our True Identity in Christ


Our True Identity in Christ


In this pivotal session, we will see that through Christ, we are not only forgiven but also have a new identity and a new life, as His nature becomes our nature and His life becomes our life.


I.              Choose a Number Between 1 and 10 that represents how much you accept yourself, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.  Write that number down so that you can refer back to it at the end of the session.


II.            2 Corinthians 5:16,17: Bill identifies key truths in these verses:  “Therefore from now on we recognize no man according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer.  Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”    


A.  Your identity is not in your flesh.

B.  The old has passed away; you are a new “spirit critter.”

C.  Get into God’s Word and see how He accomplished this.


III.        The Time Dinension:

A.  God created all things for His purpose -including time.

B.  Faith requires the time dimension.  When faith is no longer 

           needed, time will cease to be.

C.    God is not controlled by His creation; He is not time-


D.    You are a time-dimensional being.  Bill describes your “timeline

       (see Diagram 3:1)



Diagram 3:1


 B     H         S          T     D


Birth            Haircut                     Salvation                         Today             Death



E.   God is like a man in a helicopter viewing everything (including 

            your life) as present tense.  God knows everything and sees

            forever into both the past and the present (see Diagram 3.2)


F.   Christ’s life is eternal, extending forever into what you call the future, and 

forever into what you call the past (see Diagram 3.2)


G.  In some way Christ’s work on  the cross (God’s solution to man's problem) 

      occurred outside the time dimension.  Revelation 13:8 in the KJV refers to 

      Christ as “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (see Diagram 3.2)


E.   God is like a man in a helicopter viewing everything (including 

            your life) as present tense.  God knows everything and sees

            forever into both the past and the present (see Diagram 3.2)


F.   Christ’s life is eternal, extending forever into what you call the future, and 

forever into what you call the past (see Diagram 3.2)


G.  In some way Christ’s work on  the cross (God’s solution to man's problem) 

      occurred outside the time dimension.  Revelation 13:8 in the KJV refers to 

      Christ as “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (see Diagram 3.2)


H.  Key Concept: -

             God never allows a problem to come into your life for which He does not already have a solution.  

A.    Adam was the first “lord of the ring.” Spiritual death was the result of 

            B.    As a descendant of Adam, you have inherited his spiritual 

                characteristics, and “Spiritual Characteristics in the 

            First Adam,”).  You are born with a dead spirit.  This is why you need to 

            be born again (reference the story of Nicodemus, Jn. 3:1-15, 


C.   Key Concept - Birth always determines identity.  All you have to do to go 

                  to hell is show up on the planet as a descendant of Adam.


D.   Salvation is a change in your nature and your identity from the inside out.        


1)    When you enter into Christ’s lifeline, you receive His nature (His 

            spiritual characteristics) and His life. You receive a new present, a new 

            future, and a new past


2)    Your heritage from Adam is history.  God had to do away with your 

            old identity to give you a new identity.  The old you was 

            crucified in Christ (Rom. 6:6, Gal.2:20), and you became a new 

           creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).


E.    Key Concept – God has no plan to make something beautiful of your life 

(in Adam).   The plan is to kill it and start over again

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