Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wise in your own eyes

Isaiah 5:21

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!
Is the Holy Spirit addressing a person who is a “know it all”?  If we look at the word “shrewd” it seems to connote a person who is good at judging people or situations, is that not a good attribute?  But that is not who the “Woe” is addressing, it is not the person who is wise or shrewd, but the one who looks into the mirror and says; self you are always correct in your judgment.  This is being directed to a foolish person who is so enamored with self-love, and believes they have all the answers.

The Scripture warns about conceit in Proverbs 26:12, “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.”  Many believe wisdom comes with age, but if that were true most politicians would not say the nonsense we hear from them when they open their mouths.  This writer has discovered how little understanding he has of God, and in doing so is beginning to grasp the magnitude of God, He does not fit into anyone’s box, your religion is only touching the fringes of His greatness.  I’ve come to understand that His great love for you and me is matched by His holiness and He must be true to all of His attributes.
T.W. Hunt shared these truths with me many years ago: 

       To have a healthy, vital, growing relationship with God, we must
           have a realistic picture of who He is.
       What we believe to be true about God’s character is a foundation
           for the way we live our Christian life.
       No convictions are more important to victorious living than our
           view of God.

 The Scriptures tell us the following: God is One God-three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  He is all-powerful, ever-present, and all knowing.  He is merciful, faithful, unchanging, truthful, righteous, and just.  He is Sovereign the Creator, the Savior, and Judge.  Now if your mind can begin to grasp those truths, add these attributes: Infinite, Self-Existent, Self-Sufficient, and Eternal.

Jesus Christ God’s only Son, came to earth to win a victory over sin, and death, and He is not looking for the all knowing, He is looking for followers, as He called Peter and Andrew, He is calling you and me, “Come, follow me.”  They knew little, and they had very little faith, for we find it was almost two years into their walk with Jesus before they began to grasp whom they were following, check it out.  So our call is not to be all knowing, but to follow, to enter into a personal relationship with the Sovereign, the Creator, the Savior, and Judge.

From the Back Porch,

Bob Rice

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