Friday, December 2, 2011

What I should have learned in Sunday school

Hebrews 13:14-19

What I should have learned in Sunday school, but I did not, and how my life would have been different, if I would have taken to heart the teaching of Scripture.  Verse 14 states clearly; that my home is with Jesus, and in this world I am at best a wonderer and strangers.   And if I had learned that, I would have known that it was a lasting city, and it is coming, and it is perfect, it has no plumbing problems, no decks to build, and no one is going to break in and steal.

I would have learned to live my life with this thought process; how can I bring pleasure to my heavenly Father, what act of kindness, or services will show others my Father’s glory?   I would have learned to share with others the many blessings that my Father has blessed me with, and I would not be fearful of what is to come.  Why, because I am His and He is mine, and He has a wonderful plan for my life on this planet.  By acts of kindness and sharing with others, it brings great joy and it pleases the Father.

If verse 17, had become part of my belief system how would life have been different?  “Obey your leaders and submit to them, as those who will have to give an account.  Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”  In the army I submitted out of fear, and often that is the kind of submission to my Father in heaven, not out of love but fear.  But once we grasp that God loves us and has placed leaders to teach and guide us to an individual relationship with the Father, fear is replaced with an understanding of the value God has placed on each of us.

From the Back Porch,


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