“And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” Malachi 4:6
God’s Judgment when men fail to be Spiritual Leaders
“The people will oppress one another, man against man, neighbor against neighbor; the youth will act arrogantly toward the elder, and the worthless toward the honorable.” Isaiah 3:5
That is happening in our time. Do you understand it’s taking place because the man has not been the Spiritual leader of his home?
This study will be of little value unless a man is open to examining what God desires of him and not what his flesh wants.
Questions for personal Application
How can I learn to be gentle in the way I treat my wife and family?
Answer: Gentleness is a fruit of God’s Spirit. The more you grow to be mighty in Spirit, the more you will become gentle in your words and actions. Gentleness is destroyed by pride and moral impurity. It is replaced by impatience and a judgmental spirit.
Do you Know How to Conquer a Judgmental Spirit?
To conquer a judgmental spirit, we must learn by God’s grace how to see the relationship between what we judge in others, and what we are guilty of in our own lives.
How can I teach my family to be grateful for all the things that I do for them?
Answer: You can teach your family to be grateful for all the things that you do for them by learning how to be genuinely grateful for all the little which your wife children and parents do for you! The best way to teach gratefulness is to show gratefulness. They left out the many blessings from our Great God.
How can I learn to have a genuine love for each one in my family?
Answer: You can learn to have a genuine love for each one in your family by meditating on God’s definition of love and learning how to apply it to every thought, word, action, and attitude in your life.
What is God’s Test of Genuine Love?
1. Love does not lose patience. As a husband when did you show patience instead of getting angry?
2. Love looks for ways to be kind and helpful. As a husband when did you go out of your way to be helpful?
3. Love is not envious or possessive . How have you demonstrated contentment and generosity to your wife and children?
4. Love is not eager to impress others. When did you demonstrate contentment and generosity?
5. Love is not puffed up or boastful. As a husband and dad, how have you avoided inflated ideas of your own importance?
6. Love has good manners. If I were to ask others in and out of your family about your manners what would they say?
7. Love does not pursue selfish advantage. As a husband and dad, in what way have you not insisted on your own rights?
8. Love is not touchy or resentful. If we asked your wife when she has seen you overcome resentment, what would she say?
Men, these must be lifetime goals, most of us will find it impossible to conquer them quickly, but if you're serious, I mean grit your teeth and ask the Lord to humble you and be obedient, they are attainable.
I’ve had this on my bookshelf for many years, and it was of little help until I got tired of acting more like a boy than a man. It is time to grow up and do things God’s way, maybe you will be willing to become a man in your wife's and family's eyes, that’s my prayer, for all of us who struggle.
A good part of this was taken from a book titled Men’s Manual put out by the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts. I did tweak it, and I hope to encourage you in your desire to mentor men.
From the Back Porch,
Bob Rice